6 Health Benefits of Horses

smiling woman hugs horse

Anyone who has ever slung a leg over a horse’s back, held the reins and ridden into the sunset (or at least around a corral) knows the sensation.

Yeah, that one. The one that makes you sit tall, sit proud, feel one with another living being. The one that fills your nostrils with the smell of hay or of pine trees; that fills your spirit with hope that anything is possible, and fills your mind with wonder at the majestic beast supporting you.

As an added bonus, you’re also guiding yourself to a longer and healthier life. You’re bonding -- with yourself and your horse, of course, but also with nature. Because in a world filled with treadmills and weight machines, nothing beats being outside.

And once out there, benefits to your heart, your body, your spirit and your mind abound.


  1. 心血管健康。一项代表英国马社会委托的研究发现,骑马确实是一种很好的心血管锻炼。BHS公关执行官梅根·霍金斯(Megan Hawkins)说,即使只有半个小时的骑行也被认为是“适度运动”,“小跑的同时,比打羽毛球更具能量。”

  2. Core strength坐得很高,将双腿推入马的身体上,点燃了核心肌肉,这对于平衡和姿势至关重要。

  3. 燃烧的卡路里。在德克萨斯A&M大学的研究中,研究人员专注于高强度骑马期间花费的能量量。但是,您不必扎牛来燃烧卡路里。

    “Riding a horse for 45 minutes at a walk, trot and canter can burn up to 200 calories,” said Dr. Dennis Sigler, a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service horse specialist and professor in the department of animal science at Texas A&M University in College Station. “If you do something a bit more strenuous such as cutting or reining, that can come out to nearly seven calories per minute for the entire length of the riding period.”

    另外,将马鞍抬到马背上和下面,将干草和水桶带到摊位上,修饰 - 所有这些都燃烧了很多卡路里。

  4. 降低血压。定期锻炼的好处之一是降低血压;骑马是运动。降低血压会降低心脏病的风险。再加上仅仅在动物周围也可以做到这一点。

  5. Helping make decisions.While riding, you’re constantly deciding whether to speed up or slow down, what paths to avoid, when the horse and you need a break. That knowledge translates into the rest of your life, too.

  6. Relaxing.马的自然运动很平静。一起行走,您的身体将同步。


    “I just feel so happy when I'm riding,” said longtime Beach Ride participant Debby Rose. “It’s such a joy, whether I ride for 20 minutes or ride for an hour. I hop on my horse and enjoy God’s beauty.”

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