2019-2020 Annual Report

2019年 -  2020年度报告

Relentless Together: Innovate. Imagine. Inspire.

Relentless …That is the operative word in the American Heart Association's mission to be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives.


Leading Breakthroughs in Science & Technology

“科学不知道其债务对想象力。”- 沃尔多艾默生



female patient speaking with female doctor
female patient speaking with female doctor


“有健康的希望有希望;他希望有一切。“-thomas carlyle.

对于许多人来说,健康问题迟早会采取中心阶段,复杂化并限制生命。我们正努力帮助那些人,重点关注那些与心脏病和中风的人 - 世界上的两个主要死因。

woman standing in front of united state capitol building


“Give people what they need: food, medicine, clean air, pure water, trees and grass, pleasant homes to live in, some hours of work, more hours of leisure. Don’t ask who deserves it. Every human being deserves it.” —Howard Zinn

Since 2010, 18.2 million people in the U.S. have gained health care coverage, largely due to the Affordable Care Act. Yet affordable health care remains a major issue. By recent estimates, 30.4 million people nationwide are uninsured, and another 44 million people are “underinsured.” The AHA is fighting for these people.

woman standing in front of united state capitol building

Transforming Communities

“There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.” —Margaret J. Wheatley

People across the nation are banding together to address societal problems and motivate others to take action.

A H A Impact map graphic

Our Impact

For nearly 100 years, we've been fighting heart disease and stroke, helping families and communities live happier, healthier and longer lives. When you support the American Heart Association, it's evident in communities like yours.

A H A Impact map graphic

Finn Blumenthal,先天性心脏缺损幸存者和国家心脏英雄

Raising Money to Save Lives


Learn more about how we're raising money to save lives



COVID-19 Response

的一个merican Heart Association is working with researchers, medical experts, hospitals, community leaders, businesses and families to reduce the impact of the coronavirus.